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Interesting Facts about Haiti


Native Haitians were pre-Columbian Ameridian named Taino/Arawak both meaning the good people.


The Taino/Arawak named their land Haiti, meaning Land of High Mountains.
In less than 40 years, Spanish invaders were responsible for the genocide of the 3 millions Haitian natives  due to introduced diseases and slavery.


Haiti is the most mountainous country in the Caribbean.


Haiti has the second longest coastline in the Caribbean after Cuba; 1,100 miles. Over 70% of its beaches are still virgin.


For 4 centuries, 15th -19th century, the world's top 3 major super powers were at war with each other to have control of Haiti for its geographical position. Spain, France and England


Haiti was the second country in the world to issue a Declaration of Independence, only 33 years after the United States of America


The first and only country in the history of mankind whose independence is the result of a successful slave rebellion.


Haiti is the first Black Republic in the World.


The first country in the Western Hemisphere to abolish slavery; it would take the United States of America another 65 years to follow suit.


The first and only Black Nation to have successfully defeated a major world power in a war; under the command of Jean Jacques Dessalines, Haiti defeated the world's mightiest army at the time, France's; on November 18th 1803 after 14 years of battle.


The only country in the Western Hemisphere to have defeated three colonial armies for its independence. The mighty armies of Spain, England and France.


Haiti is unique in history, going directly from slavery to nationhood.


The Independence of Bolivia, Columbia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela was a result of direct monetary and military help from Haiti to Simon Bolivar, the greatest Hispanic military leader of all time.


Simon Bolivar asked then Haiti's President, Alexandre Petion, to be named the founding father of Venezuela and South America for the help he provided him to fight against slavery in the South American continent; President Petion declined the honor and asked Simon Bolivar in return, only the total eradication of slavery "Wherever your arms have triumphed".


The National flag of Venezuela was created at the sea port of  Jacmel, a city in  south east Haiti. Simon Bolivar included the blue and red from the Haitian Flag, as part of the new colors of Venezuela's national symbol in honor of Haiti being the first country in the world to fully eradicate slavery on its soil.


By winning the Vertieres Battle on November 18th 1803, Haiti forced France to sell to the US, it's Louisiana territory, doubling the size of the United States of America. The Louisiana territory makes up today 15 US states and part of Canada. Namely, the US states of Arkansas, Missouri, Iowa, Oklahoma, Kansas and Nebraska; part of Minnesota, North Dakota and most of South Dakota, northeastern New Mexico, northern Texas, portions of Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, all Louisiana and, land that will eventually become part of the current Canadian Provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan.


Upon Independence, Haiti became the first country in the American Continent to constitutionally grant all Its citizen full rights regardless of gender or race.


Haiti occupied the Dominican Republic for 22 years. From 1822 to 1844, holding the entire Island of Hispaniola under Its jurisdiction. Today's Dominican Republic was called Spanish Haiti at the time.


Haiti is one of the only two countries in the American Continent having French as an official language. The other is Canada.


Haiti is the only country in the world with Vodou as an official religion.


Cattle/cow were first introduced in the Americas, in Ile-a-Vache (cow island), a small island off Haiti's southern coast by the Spanish.


For over a century, the livelihood of as many as 25 million inhabitants of France, directly depended on the colonial trade centered in Haiti.


Haiti supplied France for over half the wealth it derived from all its other colonies combined in the 18th century.


For 105 years (1697-1802) Haiti was responsible for 40% of the sugar consumed in the entire world; 123 million pounds in 1788 alone.


For much of the 17th and the 18th century, Haiti was responsible for 60% of the world's  coffee exports.


On December 5th 1803, the exact day of the 311 years anniversary of when the first European sat foot on Haiti's soil, Jean Jacques Dessalines, the country father of Independence chased off the last remaining European off of Haiti.


Source: Hougansydney

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